Landscape Bromeliads in Miami

Landscape Bromeliads used in Miami usually come from us, the reputable Grant's Farm Nursery, where we cultivate a range of stunning Bromeliads ourselves. We are ready to ship Bromeliads in bulk, to wherever you are located in the USA.

Do not hesitate to contact us, the Grant Family, for your bulk supply of wholesale Bromeliad plants, ideal for you, as you landscape with Bromeliads loved in Miami by everyone. Our range of Bromeliads include several which we cross-bred ourselves, at our well-maintained farm, the Grant's Farm Nursery. Did you know that there are over 3,000 species of Bromeliads and thousands of hybrids in the world today?

Grower and Supplier of Beautiful Landscape Bromeliads in Miami

Landscape Bromeliads in Miami can be efficiently shipped to you, anywhere in the USA. Bromeliads among the most sought after tropical plan. The beauty and elegance of Bromeliads, once seen only in wealthy European homes, is well-known. Bromeliads have intricately striped leaves and fluorescent-like colors, ranging from maroon to gold. Their leaves have backward-curving spikes which can cause pain if you fail to pick them up with care. Be attentive when handling them.

Landscapers Landscape Bromeliads in Miami

Grant's Farm Nursery has its roots in 1920's farming! Our forefathers were American farmers. We have chosen to carry on the rich farming legacy, on our sprawling 22 acre farm, in Davie, South Florida. Order your Bromeliads in bulk from us, as you creatively landscape with Bromeliads in Miami and beyond!

We, the present Grant Family, will openly tell you, that our move from retail to wholesale, in the 1990's, was not without headaches, but we forged on. Today, we supply wholesale, first class Bromeliads, shipping throughout the USA. If you need Bromeliads for beautifying the landscape our Bromeliads sold in Miami are ideal!

Here is a list of our Beautiful Tropical Bromeliad Plants available...

We, the Grant Family, welcome your interest in Wholesale Bromeliads. We are thrilled that you have found us, as your special supplier of Bromeliads! Call or email us for a full price list and inventory of our beautiful Bromeliads.

As a passionate traditional farming family, we actively maintain one of South Florida’s largest and most successful Landscape Bromeliads in Miami Nurseries.

Wholesale Tropical Plants

Landscape Bromeliads in Miami

See all Bromeliad Plants >>

Grant's Farm Nursery is located in South Florida and ships Wholesale tropical Bromeliad plants throughout the USA.